Software Projects

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Here’s some non-commercial software that I’ve written or collaborated on with former students.


I’m a fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done approach to personal productivity. OmniFocus is the big gun in my GTD arsenal. That was true even before I joined the OmniFocus development team at Omni.

These scripts automate some common tasks in OmniFocus for Mac.

Still using OmniFocus 1? It’s probably time to upgrade! In the meantime, you can use my legacy scripts for OmniFocus 1.

Academic Software

CFG Experimenter

CFG Experimenter is a program that demonstrates the algorithms used by LL(1) and LR(1) parser generators.


PyLighter is a program that simply highlights the lines of Python source files as they are used by running code, in real time and at full speed.

On github

I have some other software available on github. That’s where my more technical projects end up, along with those not quite ready for prime time. Head over there to take a look.