Let’s Build a Reactive Programming Library
The lovely folks from Seattle Xcoders have posted the video from my July talk.
Let’s Build a Reactive Programming Library
Functional reactive programming is a much promoted technique for building apps structured around data flow, asynchronous events, and value types.
There are several popular frameworks for reactive programming in the Apple ecosystem, including Reactive Cocoa, RxSwift, and Bond. These powerful tools can be intimidating when first trying to learn the concepts.
In this talk I’ll implement a simple reactive programming library “from scratch”, live coding the interesting bits, and using them in a small demonstration app. The talk is intended for people new to reactive programming and should help demystify the concepts so you can approach one of the more powerful frameworks with confidence.
Let’s Build a Reactive Programming Library (Curt Clifton, July 14, 2016) from Seattle Xcoders.