Swift by Northwest Plans

July 30, 2017

I’m excited to be speaking at Swift by Northwest in October in sunny Seattle. I just put the finishing touches on the abstract for my session:

These are a Few of My Stateful Machines

As app developers we have to deal with the challenges of stateful code every day. State machines are a powerful technique for managing state — but they’re underused in Mac and iOS development, in part because they can be awkward to implement in Objective-C. Swift changes that. Swift’s smart enums make implementing state machines quick, easy, and fun. In this talk we’ll look at how you can make your apps easier to write, debug, and evolve using state machines in Swift. Along the way, we’ll explore the power of enums, including associated values, methods, and properties.

Swift’s destructuring switch statements over smart enums are one of my favorite parts of the language. This session should be great fun to lead. I’ll do my best to make it fun to participate in as well.

Swift by Northwest is shaping up to be a great conference. Some of my favorite people in the Cocoa community are presenting, and Seattle is my favorite city. Early bird registration is open now. I hope you’ll be there!